Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's
In every group of people, there are many who personally know autistic and Aspergers children, and many books have been written about them, and so the topic frequently comes up in book clubs. What is unusual about this book is that is is written by the Asperger's person, so we get an insight into how his mind works. For instance, there is a large section in the book where he describes his misunderstanding when someone makes a casual comment. Also, the fact that he smiled when he was told his aunt had died is discussed in great detail.
John Robison describes his difficult childhood and his struggles with adolescence. As a result of his struggles with people, he developed an interest in electronics and eventually worked with the rock group, Kiss.
I found the book (dare I say it?) eye opening about how an Aspergian person thinks, and I know it was a revelation to others in the book club.